An Insurance Manager in the Cayman Islands is a contracted service provider, licensed under the Cayman Islands Insurance Law, which specializes in running the day-to-day operations of a captive. It has a legal responsibility to ensure that companies under its management comply with the Insurance Law, as well as their approved Business Plan, as approved by the Cayman Islands Monetary Authority (CIMA). The Insurance Manager is responsible for all aspects of the management and administration of the captive insurance company, such that “mind and management” of the captive is based in the Cayman Islands.
Every captive insurance company is required to appoint a licensed local Insurance Manager. The Insurance Manager is a vital component to comply with the self-regulation system in the Cayman Islands.
Owners of captive insurance companies enjoy far greater long-term control over their insurance destiny, as well as the potential for financial gain. Kensington is one of the leading insurance managers in the Cayman Islands and can provide the necessary information and professional assistance required to start your own captive and achieve a more stable arrangement to service your insurance needs.